We've all seen it, the spray tan which has gone orange or looks like mud. The reason? It is when we use either too much or the shade is too dark for our skin tones.
It is better to do two lighter shades than one darker one.
The main ingredient DHA acts with our individual skin tones and a trained therapist should be able to select the correct percentage.
It reacts according to the melanin in our skin and how well we naturally tan.
What should a spray tan look like?
It should look like you've caught the sun, not swallowed it. No one should be able to tell you've had a spray tan.
If it is too visible then the therapist has selected a shade which is too dark for your skin tone.
Unfortunately, too many therapists are either undertrained or give in to client demands 'i want to look like i've been on holiday for two weeks in Florida'.
If you want a darker look, then have another coat of the correct shade until the desired look is achieved, baring in mind that the true colour develops in 4-6 hours and that the colour that goes on is the guide colour purely for the therapists benefit.
